2016 cohort
Student | Project Title | Supervisor |
Marnie Adamson | ‘Could I do that to somebody?’: The Ideological Shifts That Occur in the Mind of Conflict Personnel to Allow Them to Commit Atrocities | Professor Karin Fierke |
Maria Almeida Reis | Iberian Long Sixties? Youth Culture and Gender in Spain and Portugal, 1958-1980 | Dr Nikolaos Papadogiannis |
Talah Anderson | Transition, Transgression and Transcendence: Gender and the Propagation of Power in the Ancient Near East | Dr Madhavi Nevader |
Ioanna Batzoglou | What is the relationship between institutions and entrepreneurial activity? | Dr Alex Trew |
Alexander Bell | Encounters with memory: remembering the slave trade in Bristol, c. 1945-2015 | Dr Riccardo Bavaj |
Sarah Bigelow | Speaking Security Through Arabic: The Role of the Media in Translation | Dr Faye Donnelly |
Samuel Boobier | The mechanism behind Amino Acid Dating: what factors affect the racemisation of amino acids? | Dr Tanja van Mourik |
Joanna Bowman | Royal Court Jerwood Theatre Upstairs (1995 – 2015), or how 85 seats can change British Theatre | Dr Sam Haddow |
Sian Burkitt | Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh | Dr Aileen Fyfe |
Elinor Bushell | Mad, drunk and diseased or simply in love? | Dr Emma Buckley |
Joel Butcher | Women in Church Leadership: How do Church Leaders Interpret the Bible? | Dr David Moffitt |
Mary Chan | Sex differences in workplace behaviour: The role of BIS/BAS scale sensitivity | Dr Catherine Penelope Cross |
Da In Choi | Internal Creation of Others in North-South Korea Relations | Dr Konrad Lawson |
Emily Cook | Syncretic Identities: Aleut, Slavonic, and English in Unalaska, Alaska | Dr Stephanie Bunn |
Jakob Dowling | Using Willingness-to-Pay Observations to Improve Climate Change Negotiations | Mr Luc Bridet |
Katrina Drayton | Mapping Rome’s Destiny: Navigation in Virgil’s ‘Aeneid’ | Dr Nikoletta Manioti |
Rory Forbes | Comprehending the Scottish Jacobite Constituency in 1688/89 | Dr Steve Murdoch |
Sarah Glass | An analysis of US foreign policy towards Zimbabwe during the Matabeleland Massacres, 1982 – 1985 | Dr Hazel Cameron |
Maryam Golafshani | Bringing the ‘Human’ Back to Medicine: Implementing Virginia Woolf’s Writing in Medical Education | Dr Christina Alt |
Botond Hajdara | Partitioned Binary Relations | Dr James D. Mitchell |
Margaret Hyland | Religion and Folk Belief in Scottish Fishing Music | Dr Stephanie Bunn |
Jack Jameson | Determining the Role of MG23 in hypoxia-induced apoptosis | Dr Samantha Pitt |
Matthew Kaminski | Testing the sensitivity of the Antarctic ice sheet to CO2 | Dr James Rae |
Vienna Kim | Art on the Catwalk: Performance Art in the shows of Alexander McQueen | Dr Catherine Spencer |
Eirinie Lapidaki | The Politics of Poetry in Victorian Britain | Dr Clare Gill |
Konstantinos Liverakos | The effect of physical exercise intensity levels on cognitive performance examined throughout the period of one day | Dr Akira O’Connor |
Rhys Madden | How to engage the next generation of anthropologists – an application of theoretical approaches in Museum Studies | Prof Roy Dilley |
Shashank Manjunath | Are we all heading down the same path? The developing world’s approach to an environmentally secure future | Dr Eoin McLaughlin |
Suzanne Mcmanus | Irvine Welsh’s Scotland: The Reality of Working Class Brutality, Addiction and Abuse | Dr Peter Mackay |
Ryan Moodie | Non-equilibrium Model of Photon Condensation | Dr Jonathan Keeling |
Olivia Morton | The role of Austrian Standard German in the teaching and learning of German as a foreign language | Dr Christopher Beedham & Ms Kirsten Mericka |
Katie Munro | Understanding the Role of HLA-B27 in Inflammatory Arthritis | Dr Simon Powis |
Mai Nguyen | The participation of children in the Vietnam war | Professor Alison M S Watson |
Daniel Payne | ‘Meat is Murder’: The Development of Social and Cultural Attitudes Surrounding the UK Meat Industry, c. 1964-present. | Dr John Clark |
Asmithaa Prabhakaran | The role of innate immunity pathways in host-parasite interactions during microsporidia infections | Dr John Lucocq |
Joanna Rutkowska | The influence of facial health cues of a defendant on decisions about the severity of punishment | Professor David Perrett |
Kelly Schweizer | The Changing Face of Fear: An examination of the Gothic Genre | Dr Katie Garner |
Alessio Shostak | Striking at their Core: De-funding the Islamic State | Dr William Vlcek |
Alanood Sinjab | The Securitization of Torture: A Legal Analysis of the General Security Service’s Use of Torture in the Palestinian Occupied Territories Between 1971-1991 | Dr Faye Donnelly |
William Skinner | Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer and White Emission of Light in Supramolecular Iridium Complexes | Dr Zysman-Colman |
Justyna Slowik | The Paper Dragon: Do we overrate China’s strength as a global superpower? The domestic factor. | Professor Ian Taylor |
Finlay Smith | Computing translations and the translation hull of semigroups | Dr James Mitchell |
Melissa Turner | Real and perceived barriers to participation in HE: a fulltime undergraduate student parent’s perspective | Dr L Lasselle |
Karina Vitanova | Leptin and the Mitochondria: New pathways to protect against dementia | Dr Gayle Doherty |
Christopher Walker | Double Discrimination: LGBT Asylum Seekers in the UK System | Dr Gurchathen Sanghera |
Alice Watson | How has tropicality been constructed in cultural media from the 1970s to the present day? | Dr Dan Clayton |
Tadeusz Wojtych | Not so iron curtain. Interactions between international students and local people in Gdynia (Poland) during the communist period. | Dr Bernhard Struck |
Jessica Yin | The evolution and impact of identity in US-China relations | Dr Taryn Shepperd |
Kejian Zhao | Human-Environment Relations in Beijing: Perceptions, Experience, Possibilities | Professor Peter Gow |